Monday, November 15, 2021

🙏🏻 Attitude of Gratitude

Hi there and thanks for stopping by! With Thanksgiving coming up next week I wanted to theme today's post around gratitude. 

Especially with the turbulence of the last two years, it’s been really easy to get down and feel scared, confused, and anxious at times. But sometimes for me, focusing on the positive and being thankful for what and who I have in life can really flip the switch in my brain and give me peace and contentment. 

The easiest way for me to keep an “attitude of gratitude” is to name three things or people I’m grateful for every night in my head before I fall asleep. It’s a practice I started a few years ago and it helps me sleep better and wake up in a positive mindset. Even if I've had the crummiest day, reviewing it at the end of the night and pulling out some positives (big or small) makes me realize maybe it wasn’t so terrible after all.

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” ~Robert Brault

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous day. :)