Friday, April 12, 2019


Mediation has become such a huge part of my life in the last few years and I thought this would be a great space to speak about something that I am so passionate about. I am by no means an expert on the subject, but I feel like anyone and everyone could benefit from the power of meditation. 

It all started December 2015 when my husband David booked a private yoga lesson at a local studio for us. I tried it and loved it and pretty soon was practicing yoga 3 days a week. It quickly evolved into reiki sessions and training for myself, massages, ear candling, sound baths, drum healing, chakra work, and meditation. 

I went on to take 2 levels of meditation training, even interning as a teacher assistant during a course. It was life changing to say the least. It was if I was seeing the world for the very first time. 

It took an incredible amount of work to be able to quiet my mind and meditate but I was able to go from 1 minute to 5 minutes and work my way up to an hour or more. 

I could go on and on about the topics of self awareness and meditation for days, but here are a few brief points I've learned along the way that I find most valuable in my every day life:

*That I could quiet my mind and that my mind tries to tell me stories as a human defense mechanism and that I could simply say “no thank you” to them was such a new concept for me.

*The idea of staying “interested but not invested” to drama or gossip or things that simply didn’t serve me was a revelation.

*The only person I need to please in this world is myself and that I am all I need and how it’s better to rid yourself from toxic things and people was a very valuable lesson learned.

*I was suddenly paying more attention to the smaller details such as where my food was coming from, TV shows that I once thought I enjoyed I now saw as senseless drama, and being stuck behind the worse driver suddenly didn’t bother me anymore. I feel more tuned in to myself, both in mind and body, and can honestly say my meditation practice has me feeling the best I’ve ever felt.

*No matter what the world may throw at me, death, illness, job losses, heartbreak, I know that I will be OK. If I'm not OK, that simply means I am dead (morbid, but true) and it won't matter.

*I don’t need to make dialogue up in my head about what may happen or go back over what has happened. What’s in the past is in the past and cannot be changed and what’s in the future hasn’t happened yet so there’s no sense in worrying over it. Worrying or going back over past events is creating suffering for yourself, and that can be harmful. Glen Turner said it best when he said “Worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but it gets you nowhere.” There are so many studies out there on stress and anxiety and how they’re linked to illness both mental and physical. 

To meditate for me gives me inner peace and that is priceless. Especially in today’s fast paced world training my mind to be quiet and still and not be a constant whirl of thoughts is so valuable.

I hope to keep meditation a topic on my blog, just little bits of food for thought, since I am so passionate about it. I am no authority on the matter, but if you have any questions shoot me an email, I’d be more than happy to help!

Thanks for reading, enjoy your day. :)

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