Friday, January 18, 2019

My In-Flight Essentials

Hi there! I always love reading what other people find valuable to bring along for airplane travel, so I thought I’d share mine! Here’s a few things I brought with me on our trip a while back:

Wet-Ones Antibacterial Wipes-

First order of business when I get to my seat is to wipe down everything in sight. The arm rest, tray table, everything. I know this may seem overboard but I am not blessed with the strongest immune system and I know how rarely those surfaces are actually cleaned. (They're also very good for your hands, car spills, movie theater seats, etc.-I always keep a pack in my purse.)


This goes without saying, but being jammed next to strangers during flu season for hours while breathing recycled air is no picnic. Although I wound up getting sick at the end of our trip, I’d like to think that taking this religiously leading up to our trip as well as on the plane helped me to not get sick sooner. 

Bose headphones-

David has the over the ear noise canceling ones that he uses on every single trip, but I prefer earbuds. These have excellent sound quality and are quite comfortable in my ears for a long period of time. Plus they take up no space in my carry on and are much less expensive than the other kind!

Tony Moly Banana Sleep Pack-

My skin is very dry to begin with but being on the plane dries it out even more. I try not to travel in makeup on an overnight flight so I wash my face right before we leave the house and apply this thick sleeping mask when we get on the plane. It smells like banana candy and is very gentle for sensitive skin. It is packed with banana, chamomile and honey extracts. I feel like it acts as a barrier between my skin and the pollution of the airplane as well. 

L’Occitane Almond Delicious Hand cream-

This stuff isn’t cheap but it works! It smells heavenly and isn’t greasy but since it’s packed with both almond milk and almond oil it is still thick enough for dry winter skin. 

Chanel Hydrating Conditioning Lip balm-

At $37 this would be over my personal price range for what I would ever spend on a lip balm. But since it was a gift from a David a while back I wanted to bring it on this trip to enjoy and use up. It has a slight floral scent and a satin like texture, it isn’t sticky at all. It gives your lips such a plump appearance, it would be excellent as a base under lipstick in dryer months. 

Do you have any in-flight essentials you’d like to share? I’m always looking for new ideas!

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous weekend. :)

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