Friday, November 15, 2019

👟 Walking Fit

As far as fitness goes I feel like every little bit helps, and having a gym membership across town that you rarely use is such a waste of money! About a year ago I discovered Leslie Sansone walking fitness videos for free on YouTube and haven’t looked back.

Leslie Sansone has developed a walking fitness empire, using just 4 basic steps that anyone can do, for short intervals, using multi-muscle movements. In short, she has hundreds of 10-60 minute videos that are as easy as pie to do in very little space in your own home!

When I roll out of bed each morning I start my day with a 20-40 minute video. I am always amazed at how sweaty I get with just a few basic steps! They are so fun to do and she had a wonderful variety of videos. I feel like if I start my day with a quick workout, before any other activities or exercise I have planned for the day, it’s getting a mile or two head start on myself.

I also love bringing an iPad with me when we travel, it’s a wonderful way to get a quick workout in right inside my hotel room. Just thought I’d share a fitness guru I found and love!

Do you have any fitness tips or tricks you’d like to share? Let me know down below, I love hearing from you.

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous day. :)

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