Monday, March 02, 2020

💉 Blood Type Test

Good morning! Today I'm sharing with you my experience of testing for my blood type and what it all means.

David and I have been curious as to what our blood types are, and so we purchased these kits on Amazon and decided to give it a try. When I discovered my blood type is O+ I started doing some research on it and was fascinated to find that it couldn't be truer!

Eat Right 4 Your Type is a book from Dr Peter J D'Adamo that really resonates with me. He feels that the 4 different blood types have different body chemistry and therefor are susceptible to different diseases, handle stress differently, digest different foods better, and benefit from different kinds of supplements and exercise.

Here's a little bit I found about my specific blood type, O+:

-Higher stomach acid
-The oldest blood type, benefits from a "Hunter-Gatherer" diet. Should eat lean meats and vegetables, avoid dairy, grains, most caffeine and alcohol (wine is OK)
-Ulcers and thyroid disorders are the most common health problems
-Cardio exercise 3-4 times weekly is needed both for physical health as well as mental stress release
-Always eat slowly and while seated at a table
-Avoid making big decisions while stressed
-Are more likely to have impulsive behaviors, benefit from making goals for tasks
-Should make all changes slowly and gradually
-Personality traits-strong-willed, agreeable, intuitive, determined, confident, ambitious, unpredictable, ruthless, aggressive 

This is me to a T and I am interested to start paying attention to the foods I eat and see if it makes a difference in how I feel. I don't think I can completely cut out my morning cup of coffee, but I will certainly try to avoid caffeine when I can. I am going to try this for a few months and see how I feel. I like to think of it more as a lifestyle than a diet.

Do you eat for your blood type? Let me know down below, I love hearing from you!

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous day. :)

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