Friday, March 27, 2020

🏠 Lately...Self-Isolation Edition

Happy Friday and thanks for stopping by! I hope everyone is being healthy and safe, what a strange and uncertain time we're living in lately. We're currently on day 14 of self-isolation and we've been having fun keeping busy around the house. Today I thought I'd share some of what we've been up to lately:

1) Farm-Fresh Eggs-
David's co-worker lives in the next town over, raises chickens, and kindly left 2 dozen eggs in his mailbox for us. They are both beautiful and delicious! We've been having fun making all sorts of egg dishes and I swear they taste creamier than store bought. David made croque madames for lunch one day using the eggs and they didn't disappoint! In just one bite I was instantly transported back to Paris. He used this New York Times recipe.

2) Cinnamon Rolls-
David also treated us to homemade cinnamon rolls as a surprise last Sunday morning using our bread machine. They were so yummy, not too sweet, and had the perfect amount of cinnamon and vanilla. If you have a bread machine and about 3 hours to kill, I highly recommend! Here's the recipe.

3) Whipped Coffee-
We jumped on the bandwagon with the rest of the world this week and gave whipped coffee a try and oh. my. goodness. It is by far one of the tastiest coffee drinks we've ever tried, and so much better than the calorie-filled ones at Starbucks (We estimated each one to be just under 150 calories)! We used our hand mixer which allowed us to whip some up super quick and we had ours over ice. I'd love to try it with some hot frothed milk next. 

I promise we haven't only been eating well, haha. We've been enjoying lots of walks around our walking trail, exercise videos on YouTube, self-care galore with face masks, at home mani-pedis, extra dog cuddles, and we even had a game night! We played Uno and Stinky Pig and haven't laughed that hard in a while.

This weekend I'm looking forward to watching the movie Emma, I missed it in theaters and am so happy it's available to rent!

PS- If you're into British history and need a good show to watch, I highly recommend the CNN 6-part series on the Windsors. It's been so fascinating to see the succession of the throne and all the drama that went on behind closed doors, all while trying to run a country. 

What have you been doing to pass the time? Any fun ideas? Let me know down below, I love hearing from you! 

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous weekend. :)


  1. Those cinnamon rolls look delicious! Thank you for the whipped coffee link- going to try it this weekend!

    1. The whipped coffee is delicious, you’re going to love it! Have a great weekend Meri! :)
