Monday, August 31, 2020

🌞 Sun-Kissed Summer Tag


Hi there and thanks for stopping by! I saw this tag going around and thought I’d share my answers:

Beaches or pools? Pools are my favorite. Less sandy and no chances of getting bit by jellyfish...or sharks. ;-)

Dream summer vacation? I love heading to Vegas in the summer because its’s the off-season so everything is a little less crowded. And since it’s air conditioned practically everywhere you go, the heat doesn’t matter one bit to me.

David & I at the Bellagio Botanic Gardens a few summers ago!

S’mores or ice cream? I am a total s’mores girl. I make them year round in the microwave.

Favorite summer nail polish? Ooh this is a tough one. I would have to say Mermaid’s Dream by Deborah Lippmann. It’s a sea foam base with blue glitter throughout. It looks so cute as a pedicure with flip flops!

Favorite summer beauty product? I would have to say the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Brick. I have the mini travel version, which costs about half of the full size. It’s the perfect assortment of shades for everything...highlighter, bronzer, blush, even eyeshadow. I love multi use products in the summer for an easy no-fuss look.

What’s your song of the summer? Ooh another tough one. I love so many different types of music but if I could only pick one song it’d have to be the classic “In the Summertime” by Mungo Jerry. "Sing along with us dee dee dee-dee dee...”

Summer bucket list item? I actually wrote out my summer bucket list a few posts back. Going berry picking and seeing some fireworks are a few!

A favorite summer memory? So many come to mind but a recent one was going to Miami last summer with David for July 4th. The city was a ghost town and we had the best time laying around poolside and beachside by day, and going to some fab dinners at night. It’s a trip I’ll always cherish. We even got into the exclusive Dior Café. (Be sure to check out my Miami recaps!)

Dior Cafe, a true highlight of our trip!

Miami Beach, my favorite beach in the world. :)

What annoys you most about summertime? One word. Mosquitos. I am always a target and I cannot stand all the itching and red bumps. Ick!

Favorite/least favorite thing about the beach? Favorite thing would have to be the sound of the ocean and the absolute beauty of nature. She’s breathtaking. My least favorite thing is feeling like a breaded pork chop from all the sand, haha.

Tag, you’re it! Now it’s your turn to answer down below, I love hearing from ya!

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous day. :)


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