Monday, May 11, 2020

🥳 Birthday & Easter 2020 Recap

Hi there and thanks for stopping by! Today I want to recap my 34th birthday and Easter. They were definitely a little different this year, but we still had an absolute blast and I know I'll cherish these memories forever.

My birthday fell on Good Friday this year, which made menu planning a little challenging. Good thing I'm not too much of a carnivore, a steak dinner is definitely not my idea of a good time. I chose one of my faves, a cheese fondue! My family is part Swiss, and authentic fondue is part of our heritage. David and I received a stunning fondue set from my Swiss cousins as a wedding gift, and I love putting it to good use. 

My family and friends spoiled me rotten (my mom even wrote me a poem of my life, cue the tears), we had a delicious meal, I got to spend lots of quality time with my dogs, and we even had cupcakes for dessert! David ordered a Baked By Melissa Party Pack, which came complete with a sampling of 25 mini cupcakes, mini plates, paper hats, sound makers, balloons, and even confetti. It was like ordering a party in a box!

Two days later was Easter, and for us that meant Cracker Barrel catering and live-streaming mass. The Easter Bunny came, and my parents made David and I an Easter egg hunt in our kitchen! The dogs even got in on the action too. We also had a little friendly competition, making little bunny cars out of Twinkies and Peeps. It was a lot of laughs, but we surely missed the rest of our family this year. 

These are such scary and uncertain times, but life still goes on and we have to celebrate the good! 

"Celebrate we will, because life is short but sweet for certain"~Dave Matthews Band

Thanks for reading, have a fabulous day. :)

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